How can I find an envelope in my account using the envelope ID?
Learn how to search for and locate the Docusign envelope in your eSignature account using the envelope ID.
Docusign Rooms Video Guides
Transform every step of a complex deal into a simple digital process with Docusign Rooms.
How do I send a Docusign document?
Read this article to learn how to send a Docusign document for eSignature.
Change your Docusign plan
Learn how to upgrade or downgrade your Docusign account subscription, or to cancel or close your account.
Downgrade or close your Docusign account
Read this article to learn more about whether you should close or cancel your Docusign account, downgrade your account, or simply manage your Docusign account sub...
Sign a document | eSignature
Watch this video to learn how to sign a Docusign document after receiving an email requesting your signature.
Access Docusign documents that you already signed | eSignature
To view, download, or print documents you've signed, read this article.
FAQ: Docusign signing
Answers to common questions from first-time signers.
How do I reset my Docusign password?
Read this article if you need to reset or update your Docusign account password.
How do I update my email address in my Docusign account?
If you've recently changed your email address, you can update it in your account easily. Follow these steps to learn how.
Locate your Docusign account activation email
Read this article if you did not receive your account activation email from Docusign.
Update your payment information
Docusign has a few payment options available: Credit Card, Paypal and Direct Debit. Note:You must have account administrator privileges to update the billing info...
Why are documents not attached to the Completed email notification?
Document attachments are defined by the account administrator on the sender's account.
Use a Security Code to access Docusign documents
Access documents with the 33-digit security code provided.
Check Docusign envelope history | eSignature
Read this article to learn how to check an envelope's history.
Does my Docusign subscription plan automatically renew?
To provide uninterrupted service, your monthly or annual Docusign subscription renews automatically on your billing anniversary date.
How do I create a template in Docusign?
Streamline your workflow by creating a template.
Sign and Return a Document with the Docusign Mobile App for iOS (iPad, iPhone, iPod Touch)
Learn how to sign and return a document from your iPad, iPhone, or iPod Touch, follow these steps.
Send a Document for Signature with the Docusign Mobile App for iOS (iPad, iPhone, iPod Touch)
Follow these steps to send a document for signature with the Docusign Mobile App for iOS.
Sign and Return a Document with the Docusign Mobile App for Android
Follow these steps to learn how to sign and return a document using the Docusign Mobile App for Android devices.
Troubleshoot common signing issues
Read this article to learn how to resolve several common issues a signer can run into while signing a Docusign envelope.
Best Practices for Submitting Electronically Signed Forms to the IRS
Best Practices for Submitting Electronically Signed Forms to the IRS. Taxpayers have the option of using electronic signatures for Forms 8878 and 8879 if the soft...
What happens to a user's data once the user is closed?
When closing a user, it will affect access to certain user data. Learn more about: Sharing Envelope, Templates, Custom Fields and Reporting
Find your latest billing and invoice information
As a Docusign administrator, you can access, view, or download invoices in your Docusign account.
How do I send a PDF with form fields?
Read this article to learn how to send a PDF with form fields.
FAQ: Seats and Users | eSignature
Read this article for answers to common questions related to Docusign seats and users.
How to setup sftp within Docusign CLM
This article is supplementary to the CLM admin guide for setting up SFTP.
Why is Sign in Person recipient action not supported with PowerForms?
The Signing Host must have an account and with PowerForms the signer may not have an existing DocuSign account.