Learn the Basics

Docusign Certifications
Read this article to learn more about Docusign Certifications.
Docusign University Campus Pass
Docusign University Campus Pass is the preferred starting point for many of our customers because it provides learners the opportunity to explore, revisit and und...
Docusign CLM: Find your version
Read this article to learn how to tell which version of Docusign CLM you're using.
Docusign CLM: Remove Public Share Access from a Folder or File
Creating a public share link for a document or folder allows non-Docusign CLM users to view content from your account.
Retaining custom fonts in Docusign GEN conversion
When converting a Word document to PDF, DocuSign can retain custom fonts if they are embedded in the Word file. If the font is not embedded, DocuSign will replace...
Creating Merge Fields in Docusign Envelope Templates | Docusign Apps Launcher
In Salesforce, there are fields that are considered a custom Salesforce "Data Type". When attempting to utilize these fields as Merge Fields in Docusign Envelope ...
eSignature: Create and send envelopes from Real Estate Forms
Read this article to learn how to create and send a new envelope from a Real Estate Form.
Get Started as a DocuSign eSignature Admin (part two)
New to DocuSign eSignature? Get up and running quickly with our eSignature Admin checklist. 
Docusign eSignature basic terminology
This helpful guide will define common terms that you’ll hear as a Docusign eSignature administrator or user. For more information on getting started as a Docusign...
Get started with Docusign eSignature
New to Docusign? To assist you, we’ve put together helpful onboarding checklists including quick 2-minute guided videos, virtual instructor-led workshops, and sel...
Docusign CLM: Connect to eSignature
Read this article to learn how to connect to eSignature from Docusign CLM.
Get started as a Docusign eSignature user
Learn how to get started as a new Docusign eSignature user.
Docusign CLM: Stop In-Progress Workflows and Tasks
You can pause or abort Docusign CLM workflows if you need to cancel a task.
Docusign CLM: Common Edit Issues
The following article can be used as a general troubleshooting guide for Docusign CLM Edit installed on the Windows operating system.
Docusign CLM: Reassign Orphaned Workflow Tasks
Orphaned Tasks is a queue in the Docusign CLM Tasks page displaying workflow tasks that were assigned to a user who no longer exists.
Docusign CLM: Reassign workflow tasks
Reassign workflow tasks for employees who were on vacation/leave
Get Started as a Docusign eSignature Admin (part one)
Get Started as a Docusign eSignature Admin (part one) Follow these quick steps to get started as a Docusign eSignature Admin.
Private Campus
This scoped and paid engagement is available for all Docusign products and integrations and allows you to take full advantage of the depth and breadth of our lear...
DocuSign CLM: Test a Scheduled Rule
In DocuSign CLM, if you are building a scheduled rule, there is a method for testing to make sure that it will run as expected.